Training workshop for the Somali National University teachers, Mogadishu-Somalia  (3/8/2024)

Training workshop for the Somali National University teachers, Mogadishu-Somalia (3/8/2024)

The opening ceremony of the training workshop for the Somali National University teachers was

held on Saturday, 3/8/2024. All faculty members at the university will benefit from this training, but the training has been started with faculty members in the faculties of Science, Veterinary and Agriculture. The number of trainees participating in the training from the three faculties mentioned above is approximately 104 trainees.

The training has been provided by qualified trainers, namely:

      • Dr. Abdiwali Mohamed Yusuf
      • Dr. Mohamed Abdulahi Guure
      • Dr. Ahmed Abdi Aden
      • Dr. Abdishakur Fiqi
      • Mr. Abdirisaq Mukhtar Yousuf
      • Mrs. Raqiya Ahmed

At the opening ceremony of the course – in the presence of the Vice rector of the University for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Abdullahi Sheikh Rashid and Professor Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdi, Dean of the faculty of Education, several speeches were given.

In this context, the Vice rector of the University for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Abdullahi Sheikh Rashid, said after welcoming the guests: The Somali National University is proud to launch courses in teaching methods for university teachers to develop their skills and enhance their capabilities in terms of quantity and quality.

In his speech, the Dean of the faculty of Education pointed out the importance of continuous learning, stressing that obtaining a scientific degree is not the end of the learning process, and that such courses are an important opportunity to develop cognitive and scientific capabilities, and to enhance the educational process in educational centers and educate students with modern sciences and innovations.


Preparing for the new academic year 2024/2025

Preparing for the new academic year 2024/2025

Members of the administration and lecturers of the Faculty of Education at the Somali National University held a meeting on 12.09.2024 at the Shabelle Campus. The meeting, which aims to prepare for the new academic year 2024/2025, was chaired by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdi, while the heads of the departments and lecturers at the faculty played a prominent role in the progress and success of the meeting.

The focus was on to discuss the completion of all preparations for the new academic year, through periodic follow-up as well as continuous follow-up within the various departments, and developing a plan to receive new and old students at the faculty of Education. At the beginning, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdi stressed the importance of following up on work and completing all arrangements and preparations before the start of the new academic year and the necessity of providing an appropriate educational environment for students to achieve maximum benefit in serving the educational process. A number of department heads also pointed out the importance of the teacher being prepared at the beginning of the academic year  to provide the various needs of students and ensuring attendance at the specified time and being a role model for their students.


Somali Teacher Education Development Expands (STRIDE) Nairobi, Kenya (21st-25th April 2024)

Somali Teacher Education Development Expands (STRIDE) Nairobi, Kenya (21st-25th April 2024)

The Collaborative workshop which is supported and funded by the Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning (GINTL) was held so as to expand and strengthen the relationship with the higher education institutions in Finland and in the neighboring countries. Previous efforts were focused and full of activities in identifying ways to cooperate and build on working relations between the two universities. What distinguishes this meeting held in Nairobi from previous meetings and efforts is that the workshop was organized face-to-face among stakeholders. In addition,  new partners from higher education institution(s) involved in Finland and outside of Finland joined in this cooperation in order to expand the cooperation.

Partners and Attended Stakeholders

  • University of Helsinki (UH), Finland 
  • University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Finland 
  • Somali National University (SNU), Somalia 
  • East Africa University (EAU), Somalia 
  • Strathmore University (SU), Kenya

SNU was represented by the dean of the faculty Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdi, Dr. Mohamed Abdullahi Gure, Mrs. Raaqiya Ahmed Mohamed and Dr. Abdiweli Mohamed Yussuf. 

The aim of the workshop

The aim of this meeting was to consolidate and strengthen global relationships between these new university partners for a sustainable and responsible partnership. In addition, encouraging research cooperation by finding a common ground and platform to find practical solutions for disseminating previously collected interview data. furthermore, achieving the fourth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals of quality education in Somalia by enriching teacher education programs at the Somali National University. The collaboration in the workshop will build the professional capacity of the participants and enable new developments and innovations towards Somalian teacher education. The workshop focused on specific areas of:

  • To build a more comprehensive discussion and understanding of the needs and situational requirements of the Somali cultural and educational context by addressing issues pertaining to the African educational context  to develop socially and ecologically sustainable solutions.
  • To enhance teacher educator competencies in relation to new knowledge and skills, tools and tasks suitable for seminar working and which can be  used in all partner institutions.
  • To focus on matters of equity and quality in education by encouraging research cooperation in these areas. 

Workshop Themes and Presentations 

The Workshop themes and presentations were based on the objectives that we hope to achieve through this workshop, seven main axes have been developed for the workshop, which are: 

  •  Preview of previous collaboration: Achievements and challenges (Krzywicki & Hahl, UH)
  • The history of Somali education and its various stages (Gure, SNU)
  • Development of teacher education in times of crisis (Janhonen-Abruquah, UEF)
  • Equity and equality in education from the Kenyan perspective: Focus on the higher education level (Dimba, SU)
  • Research on equity and quality in Somali education (Yussuf)
  • School children and access to education in somalia (Aden, EAU)
  • Systemic development of teacher education ((Krzywacki & Hahl, UH)

These topics were addressed at length and in depth, for instance the achievements in the previous stages of this cooperation were discussed in the workshop, so that they would be a starting point upon which the subsequent stages of cooperation would be built on it. Moreover, the obstacles, failures, and pitfalls that existed previously must be avoided and resolved as soon as possible in the near future.

Addressing topics such as the history of Somali education and its various stages, school children and access to education in Somalia, research on equity and quality in Somali education, equity and equality in education from a Kenyan perspective, all in order to understand the needs and situational requirements of the African cultural and educational context in general, and the Somali In particular.

In addition to the above, the introduction of topics such as developing teacher education in times of crises, and methodological development of teacher education, aims to enrich teacher education programs as well as to build the professional capacities of participants and enable new developments towards Somali teacher education.

Therefore, the topics discussed and addressed in the workshop helped the participants to gain a greater understanding of current challenges, and thus exchange the best ways and experiences to solve obstacles and develop innovations that would enhance sustainable development.

The way forward and future plans

Participants pointed out the importance of continuing this type of partnership and fruitful cooperation in order to achieve a sustainable and responsible partnership.

Knowledge and Experience Exchange Visit and Hybrid Implementation Support Mission, Kigali, Rwanda (5th -10th May 2024)

Knowledge and Experience Exchange Visit and Hybrid Implementation Support Mission, Kigali, Rwanda (5th -10th May 2024)

(5th -10th May 2024)

With the support of the Rwandan government, the World Bank had organized a Knowledge and Experience Exchange Visit, along with a hybrid Implementation Support Mission (ISM) for Somalia Education for Human Capital Development Project in Kigali, Rwanda from May 5 to 10, 2024. Somali National University (SNU) is the academic implementer of component three of the project. Component three of the project, enhanced instruction quality, tasks SNU with the following:

  1. Teacher training curriculum development.
  2. Development of teaching and learning materials.
  3. Training of the teacher trainers (ToTs).
  4. Supervision and monitoring of training delivery at teacher training centers (TTCs).
  5. Program monitoring and evaluation.
  6. Evaluation and certification of trainees.


The objectives of the implementation support mission were to:

  • Review the implementation progress under each of the project components and the status of the results framework;
  • Review technical, fiduciary, disbursements, and safeguards aspects of the project;
  • Discuss and agree on an implementation plan to accelerate activities under the project; and
  • Review the implementation of environmental and social risk management instruments for the Project.


The delegation met with representatives from the Rwanda Ministry of Education, Rwanda Basic Education Board, Rwanda National Examination and Inspection Authority and Rwanda University. Rwanda University’s Faculty of Education made an elaborate presentation on the various teacher education programs it offers, admission policy and procedures, teacher professional development, scholarships and incentives and requirements for graduation. The Faculty of Education, SNU had expressed its desire for cooperation and collaboration in the areas of teacher education and teacher training. Professor Florien Nsanganwimana, acting dean of the faculty of education, Rwanda University had reciprocated by offering to come back for a visit and the pursuit of a memorandum of understanding.

The Faculty of Education, Somali National University (SNU) made a presentation detailing the ongoing activities pertaining to the project. The presentation focused on the current teacher training curriculum review which is about to be concluded soon. The Faculty had also made clear the upcoming activities which are expected to be undertaken during this year. These include monitoring and evaluation of teacher training centers (TTCs), training of the trainers on the review curriculum, training of the TTC administrators and finalizing the terms of reference for a partnership with an international institution specializing in teacher education.

The Faculty of Education had also highlighted the challenges it continues to face in terms of skilling personnel, professional development requirements for its current staff and the need for budgetary support. The World Bank and the Project Management Unit (PMU) have both expressed their support to strengthening the teacher training unit at the Faculty.

Way Forward

In principle, the World Bank has agreed to strengthen the teacher training department by filling/employing the following positions:

  1. Teacher Education Specialist  (long term)
  2. Administration officer            (long term)
  3. Teacher Training consultant   (short term)
  4. Curriculum Specialist                         (Short term)
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation specialist (long term)

We strongly urge the SNU leadership to prioritize the Somalia Education for Human Capital Development Project and take note on the opportunities it provides the university in terms of growth and development. The World Bank is ready to host the senior leadership at their offices in Nairobi and explore opportunities for further collaboration.