Teachers’ Training

Empowering Future Educators and Supplying The Necessary Tools and Techniques.


The Teacher Training Department at Somali National University (SNU) is dedicated to preparing highly qualified teachers capable of educating Somali students at various levels. The department fosters critical, reflective, and creative thinking in future educators, who are committed to addressing the diverse learning needs of students and guiding them toward becoming productive citizens. Collaborating closely with the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Higher Education (MoECHE), the department plays a key role in curriculum review, development, and certification under national initiatives like the Somali Education for Human Capital Development (SEHCD) project.

Office Vision
The TTO’s vision is to create premier educational opportunities for all learners. We believe that all students can learn and that students’ learning potential is unknown and not pre-determined. We believe that the goal of the teacher is to develop students’ minds as powerful thinkers and problem-solvers. We view education as a profession in which practice and theory interact continually and dynamically to guide curriculum, pedagogy, and educational leadership.

Office Mission
The mission of TTO is to prepare exceptional teachers, school leaders and scholars to teach and lead across curricula; to conduct innovative and relevant educational research to solve important problems in education; and to engage in collaborative, creative partnerships that contribute to improving educational practice in communities, schools, the nation and the world.

Office Goals
To actualize our vision and mission, we engage with our students in the classroom and in the field to:
Truly listen to one another and see the world from different perspectives.
Recognize how race, ethnicity, class, gender, family, and context shape human values and experience.
Understand the relationship between students’ academic achievement and their emotional well-being.
Demonstrate dexterity in their use of curriculum theory, pedagogy, and assessment practices.
Create classroom environments that respect all students and meet the needs of all learners.
Conduct research with students, educators and school communities to generate new knowledge and strategies that contribute to the field.

  • Critically analyze and thoughtfully engage in conversations around current educational policies that impact teaching and learning in classrooms.
  • Develop professional dispositions that help them to recognize and utilize the “funds of knowledge” of culturally and linguistically diverse families and communities.
  • Teach and lead in a wide range of local, state, regional, national, and international settings.