Dean's Message
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Praise to Allah, Prayers and Peace upon His most honorable Prophet and Messenger
I warmly welcome you to the Faculty of Education at the Somali National University.
As the first national teacher training entity in Somalia, the Faculty of Education at SNU has a long and rich history of service and excellence. Today, we continue that legacy by providing the educational leadership necessary to rebuild Somalia’s education system.
Investment in quality national education will be the driving force for any sustainable social, economic and political development in Somalia. Somalia’s recovery, economically & socially, depends on rebuilding the quality education system, which in turn rests on a quality teacher workforce. To this end, teacher education and the future of Somalia are inextricably linked. We envision ushering in a new era of teacher education that is locally relevant yet globally competitive.
The Faculty currently offers academic programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels that are designed to develop the intellectual, academic and professional capacity of our students. Our pre-service programs in teacher education combine disciplinary knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge with practical field experiences in areas such as science and mathematics education, language education, social science education and Islamic studies education.
Our mission is to advance teacher status and profession by producing graduates with an Islamic and national spirit who embody integrity, honesty, leadership and social responsibility as core values; graduates who are committed to what education enables them to be and not just what it prepares them to do. Our graduates will become the next generation of schoolteachers, adult educators, counselors, educational leaders and administrators. We are committed to producing competent, caring and innovative professionals who can make a positive difference in the education sector and society at large.
We invite you to visit our faculty, explore our programs and various opportunities we have to offer. We guarantee you will find quality education and a career path that will make a meaningful difference in your life as well as the Somali nation.
Join us in this noble and influential profession.
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdi
Dean, Faculty of Education
Somali National University