Masters & Postgraduate Diploma
Master of Educational Leadership and Management and Postgraduate Diploma. in Education
The Master of Educational Leadership and Management is designed to meet the professional development needs in managing the primary, secondary, and tertiary education sectors, and to produce graduates who possess the communication and leadership skills to oversee curriculum implementation in all levels of education.
The program offers the knowledge, skills and understanding of theories of educational administration, educational planning and policy development, implementation of strategic planning and implementation of total quality management as means of effective teaching. The program will enable participants to explore various teaching strategies appropriate to different disciplines and subject areas. This Program is usually completed in two years of full-time study, taking into account times that suit students’ availability.
The Master of Educational Leadership and Management seeks to become a leading program in the region that is designed with a vision to enhance the knowledge, skills, and competencies of teachers in educational administration to build sustainable institutions in every aspect.
The Master of Educational Leadership and Management aims to prepare competent teachers by providing graduates with a deep understanding of literature related to educational administration and management, promoting critical thinking, creative and analytical approaches and artistic expression, and applying knowledge effectively in a professional environment in accordance with the highest international standards.
This Program Seeks to Achieve the Following Goals:
- Providing primary, secondary, and tertiary education sectors affiliated to the directorates of education in Somalia, with highly qualified educational administrators who contributes to achieving the development plans of the country.
- Implementing training programs to achieve the requirements of excellence and sustainable professional development at various levels of education.
- Demonstrate the highest standards of professional practice.
- Applying educational research results, in response to the real problems experienced by the country’s educational institutions, and providing innovative solutions to address these problems.
Guiding Criteria for Course Selection
The following three criteria are guiding the selection of courses for this program:
- The courses must focus on and connect the theories of educational administration and practice.
- The focus of the courses must be on educational leadership and the developmental needs of young students and adults and lifelong education.
- The program must be suitable for preparing highly qualified educational cadres and building sustainable institutions in every aspect with high standards.
Based on the Foregoing, the Following Course List is Suggested:
- Educational planning and policy
- Theories of educational administration
- Human resource management in education
- Financial management in education
- Records management in education
- Total quality management in education
- Teaching and learning techniques and their management
- Curriculum management and instructional supervision
- Educational measurement and statistics
- Advanced educational psychology
- Islamic perspectives in Educational Administration
- Research methods in Education
- (Thesis)
Master of Educational Leadership and Management Program Overview
Mode of Delivery
The mode of delivering must be very different from that of undergraduate: the mode must be highly interactive and participative such as action learning, dialogue, simulations, case studies and scenarios
Most assessments will be in the form of assignments including presentation and article review. Moreover, exams will be carried out.
Admission Requirements
Have a bachelor’s degree or postgraduate diploma in education and an intermediate level of English language skills. Preference will be given to those have an experience or currently working in the education sector.
Master of Educational Leadership and Management from the Faculty of Education & Social Sciences, Somali National University will be awarded to the graduates of the program.
Registration for the Program will be open from 1st June till 25 August of the academic year..
Program Schedule
Since the target participants are professionals (school principals, teachers and lecturers) the classes will be in evening time around 2.00 pm-5:00 pm or at weekends (Thursdays and Fridays)
Program Structure
Participants are required to take a total of 12 courses (36 of credit hours, each course hours 3 credit hours) plus 6 credit hours for graduation thesis. a total of 42 of credit hours
Postgraduate Diploma In Education
The Postgraduate Diploma in Education is designed to meet the professional development needs of teachers in the primary, secondary, and tertiary education sectors, and to help teachers develop their knowledge and understand current issues related to teaching and learning.
The program offers the knowledge, skills and understanding of teaching and learning theories, course planning, course design and course evaluation. The program will enable participants to explore various teaching strategies appropriate to different disciplines and subject areas. This diploma is usually completed in one year of full-time study, taking into account times that suit students’ availability.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning seeks to become a leading program in the region that is designed with a vision to enhance the knowledge, skills, and competencies of teachers in the educational sector to build sustainable institutions in every aspect.
The Teaching and Learning Diploma Program aims to prepare competent teachers by providing graduates with a deep understanding of literature related to educational sciences, promoting critical thinking, creative and analytical approaches and artistic expression, and applying knowledge effectively in a professional environment in accordance with the highest international standards.
This Program Seeks to Achieve the Following Goals
- Providing primary, secondary, and tertiary education sectors affiliated to the directorates of education in Somalia, with highly qualified educational cadres who contribute to achieving the development plans of the country.
- Implementing training programs to achieve the requirements of excellence and sustainable professional development at various levels of education.
- Demonstrate the highest standards of professional practice.
- Applying educational research results, in response to the real problems experienced by the country’s educational institutions, and providing innovative solutions to address these problems.
Guiding Criteria for Course Selection
The Following Three Criteria Are Guiding the Selection of Courses for This Program.
- The courses must focus on teaching and learning different fields and specializations.
- The focus of the courses must be on the practical teaching skills beside the theory.
- The program must be suitable for preparing highly qualified educational cadres and building sustainable institutions in every aspect with high standards.
Based on the Foregoing, the Following Course List is Suggested:
- Educational Research and Statistics
- Contemporary educational technology
- Advanced Educational Psychology
- Curriculum studies
- Educational assessment and evaluation
- Qualitative research methods
- Educational Leadership
- Education and social change
- Selected topics in subject didactics
- (Thesis)
Master of Educational Leadership and Management Program Overview
Mode of Delivery
The mode of delivering must be very different from that of undergraduate: the mode must be highly interactive and participative such as action learning, dialogue, simulations, case studies and scenarios.
Most assessments will be in the form of assignments including presentation and article review. Moreover, exams will be carried out.
Admission Requirements
Have a bachelor’s degree or postgraduate diploma in education and an intermediate level of English language skills. Preference will be given to those have an experience or currently working in the education sector.
Master of Educational Leadership and Management from the Faculty of Education & Social Sciences, Somali National University will be awarded to the graduates of the program.
Registration for the Program will be open from 1st June till 25 August of the academic year.
Program Schedule
Since the target participants are professionals (school principals, teachers and lecturers) the classes will be in evening time around 2.00 pm-5:00 pm or at weekends (Thursdays and Fridays)
Program Structure
Participants are required to take a total of 12 courses (36 of credit hours, each course hours 3 credit hours) plus 6 credit hours for graduation thesis. a total of 42 of credit hours