Bachelor’s Programs
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) Major in Science, Math, English and Social Studies
The faculty of education offers five undergraduate programs/ majors that aim to develop the intellectual, academic and professional capabilities of our future teachers in order to prepare them as secondary school subject teachers. Therefore, in order for the faculty to cover the needs of the country for qualified teachers, it offers degree programs in the following areas:
- Bachelor of Education (Biology Major / Chemistry Minor)
- Bachelor of Education (Chemistry Major / Biology Minor)
- Bachelor of Education (Math Major /Physics Minor)
- Bachelor of Education (English Major /History Minor)
- Bachelor of Education (Choreography Major /History Minor)
The faculty is committed to prepare qualified teachers who have scholarly excellence in their studies who hold the values of society and are role models for students. Therefore, all student-teachers in this faculty are expected to complete courses in their major concentration, courses in the minor field, courses in professional training in education, as well as the Faculty and University requirements.
Major concentration courses:
These are the courses undergraduate students are required to complete in order to qualify for an undergraduate degree. These courses form the bulk of the area of specialization and are designed to offer in-depth knowledge and skills. The major courses provide direction to and shape the academic ascendancy of students during their undergraduate studies and beyond.
Minor courses:
These are the courses undergraduate students are required to complete in order to obtain a minor degree that compliments their major or area of specialization. Student-teachers intending to teach in secondary schools are often expected to be able to teach two different subjects thus necessitating a major and a minor. For example, an undergraduate student who majors in biology may have a minor in chemistry or agriculture.
Sub-Minor/Departmental requirement courses:
These are courses required of undergraduate students by their respective departments. Each department has a number of courses that form the core specialized courses in that department. As with other requirements, students are expected to successfully complete these courses in order to graduate.
Professional training in education (PTE) courses:
Is a combination of professional, theoretical and practical courses. Students, in every specialization, are required to take education courses from their first semester all through to their graduation. These courses range from General Studies in Education 44 Cr, Studies in Subject Didactics 8 Cr, and Teaching Practice 8 Cr.
General Education Requirements:
These are courses required of undergraduate students by the University or by the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences. These courses are required of all students at the faculty.